PSCA President

PSCA Members,          

Welcome to the Pennsylvania State Camp Association official Web page.  The PSCA has been making great strides for those who own, are members of, or associates of State Lease Camps.  People utilizing state lease camps is immense, which happens to be in conformance with the “Pennsylvania Wilds” program and the initiatives of the State recreational programs. As memberships continually increase, so should participation. We need members to take an active/proactive role.  Members can easily communicate with our staff; offer suggestions for our newsletter and public relations issues; attend meetings; etc. Of utmost importance, members need to get the ‘word out’ and become recruiters.  I am still hearing from camp owners and associates that were previously not aware of the PSCA.  The majority of State Camps are located near other lease sites. Take the time to recruit these individuals or send us whatever information you may have and PSCA staff will do the leg work. 

To this end, our executive board and planning committee have made extra efforts toward our annual general membership meeting. The site will be the Clinton County Country Club in the executive meeting room located in Mill Hall at the confluence of the Bald Eagle Creek and the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.  It truly is a beautiful setting that provides us with uninterrupted access, ample parking, restaurant facilities, a pavilion, and a large room for dinning/meeting.  Our membership meetings are the third Sunday in October and start promptly at 1:00 PM and our social starts at 12:00.
Martin M. Salinas