PSCA is currently involved in a lawsuit against DCNR in a RTK (Right-to-Know) request situation. There is currently a lot of activity going on right now with DCNR. Camp inspections in some districts are getting ridiculous. Various issues, including camp terminations that PSCA will be addressing. As far as our RTK request:
(We, PSCA, did NOT request any personal information from DCNR. Our only request was a lease name and address - - that's it!)
It’s for recruitment purposes only - the list stays confidential - not even PSCA staff members have the list. We already have a list but it’s 8 years old and the correspondence you received was a result of PSCA request for an updated list. DCNR denied our current request despite our court victory on our initial request years ago.  
That DCNR correspondence kind of made us look like the bad guys, but I can assure you that PSCA staff members are camp owners, volunteers, and just plain good folks. The only request we made was for camp owner(s) name and address so we could mail out recruitment post-cards. Actually, this information and even more is available to the public in the county assessment offices (and usually for no charge). 
We organized in the mid 90's after we discovered some information about the DCNR mandatory replacement of outhouses. We have done many beneficial things since then including saving ALL camp owners/associates thousands of dollars. We have General Membership meetings each year on the 3rd Sunday of October. You're welcome to come. Call us if you need further information. 


  • Notifying members when to submit dues via post cards
  • Updated email addresses
  • Right-To-Know requests
  • Propane Discounts
  • Camp Insurance
  • Encouraging camps near yours to join PSCA
  • Reporting dilapidated camps to PSCA (only)
  • Two new district foresters appointed

Great turn-out and excellent luncheon served

2023-24 Minutes 

MEETING IN JUNE 2024: Meeting was conducted via ZOOM. PSCA Staff voted to have another recruiting mailing. Staff also decided to mail dues reminder notices in December of each year. Attorneys for PSCA are filing Right-To-Know requests for DCNR documentation on leased camps.


  • In December PSCA staff was invited to participate in a ZOOM meeting with Unified Sportsmen USP to discuss the probability of eliminating the Saturday opener for hunting and to include the use of assault type weapons for hunting. Currently the PSCA staff had various comments about the Saturday opener and currently unanimously voted against the use of assault weapons for hunting.
  • Currently PSCA staff members are setting up meetings with legislators to discuss the multitude of cabins being terminated by DCNR and the current regulations.


 Attendees via Zoom on-line meeting.  Martin Salinas, Doug Sellers, John Tarbay, Todd Powless, Chris Baker, George Hetrick

  • Meeting started at 7pm with G.Hetrick going over Zoom basics and features for future meetings via this on-line tool
  • It was agreed upon that the Zoom Application will be a useful tool going forward to eliminate unnecessary travel and expenses when conducting PSCA business.  In person meetings will be conducted when situation dictates such.
  • Discussion regarding recent correspondence from Jenn Bowman DCNR related to camp lease terminations reference her e-mail dated 6-15-22 to Martin.  According to our research and inquires there have been fourteen camp lease terminations within the last 2 years of which we are aware.
  • Discussion of potential suggestions to DCNR as to how better handle communication with lease holders and potential lease terminations. We are all in agreement that more should be done on DCNR’s part prior to the actual termination of the leases.
  • Plan of action is to have a one-page letter drafted by PSCA with input from our legal counsel, this letter will be sent directly to Secretary Cindy Dunn-DCNR with copies to Jenn Bowman.  Within this letter we are going to express our disagreement with current procedures and ask for a forum with DCNR to discuss our grievances related to this lease termination issue.  Martin will work on a draft letter, and it will be provided to the officers for input prior to final approval and reviewed by counsel.  We agreed that the letter should be sent electronically, and a hard copy sent to DCNR as well to ensure a response. Our next actions will be dictated by response or lack thereof from DCNR.  Potentially we will be contacting local legislators and informing them of our concerns about lease termination and processes thereof.
  • Also discussed were preliminary plans for our Fall membership meeting along with a breaking news article in which DCNR discussed infrastructure needs and the value of recreation to the PA economy and return on these investments from this infrastructure.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm